Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions – Triwizard Schools Showcase Trailer | PS5 & PS4 Games

Welcome to the Triwizard Schools Quidditch Cup! Soar through the Pyrenees Mountain Valley at the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, race for the Snitch under the Northern Lights at the Durmstrang Institute and celebrate a well-won victory on the beloved grounds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!

For PlayStation Plus* members, the Standard edition of #QuidditchChampions and the Firebolt Supreme Broom Skin will be available as a redeemable pack from September 3 – 30th, 2024.

*Monthly games accessible for duration of PS Plus subscription only. PS Plus is an ongoing subscription with recurring fees until canceled. Age restrictions apply. Full terms: play.st/psplus-usageterms

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  1. Might buy this when it's released on the Switch. But the performance doesn't look great.

  2. This REALLY does bring back memories From The Classic Quiddich World Cup, im def wanna play This game!

  3. Imagine if we can play either from Hogwarts legacy as DLC, or standalone game. Something like cross game or even cross platform.

  4. I want to be honest… i am happy for wvery harry potter fan who likes qudditch.
    But dont say they didnt have enough capacity to work on hogwarts 2

  5. Now why did you have to go ruin it this bad? Corny graphics, it should have the same aesthetic as Legacy.

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