Released in 2005 by SEGA, the ‘Yakuza’ game series was positioned as an entertaining game for adults, which found massive fanfare amongst its target audience. The series depicts the lives of fierce yet passionate gangsters and people living in a huge entertainment district, Kamurochō, a fictional district modeled after the violent Shinjuku ward’s Kabukichō, that acts as the backdrop of the gameplay. Like a Dragon: Yakuza showcases modern Japan and the dramatic stories of these intense characters, such as the legendary Kazuma Kiryu, that games in the past have not been able to explore. Coming October 24 to Prime.
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Show should have the feel of a live action anime.
If Majima doesn't wear his idol outfit, i will be disappointed 😂
yall nothing beats the yakuza movie change my mind
if he doesnt drive a taxi into the buildings i will shit myself
We need live action Baka mitai
Come on this better be good…
please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck
It better get the karoke dance and the dragon kart
That is the scrawniest looking Kiryu I've ever seen.
Baka Mitai intensifies
If we don't have live action of 24-hour Cinderella then i'll go riot
strokin it rn
Can’t wait💥
0:44 is that Shimano??
If Kiryu isn't Pocket Circuit racing, we RIOT.
if this dosent include pocket circuit fighter I wont get married
This will be most likely the worst film ive ever watched, but i looking forward for this
For everyone saying "Oh, I want them to do this, do that, if X isn't in the game I'll be mad". Well, apparently they have said they NEVER played the games. The original tweet was from GamesRadar+: "Amazon's Like a Dragon: Yakuza TV show cast reveal that they have never played the games: "we wanted to do our own version""
Scary how real it is
Guys we need to see Kiryu with a bicycle and do a tiger drop