1. I'm not sure why you're calling out Gen X as "younger viewers" when the majority of that generation is in their 50s, with the oldest ones about to turn 60 next year. And criminals "winning the war against crime" because there's not enough police brutality? The US has the most incarcerations per capita. It's not exactly soft on crime. This channel was much better when it was about filling in the blanks of the series.

  2. As a Cold War tanker born in 1966, I proudly claim to cry like a baby during the entire liberation of Landsdown . It is the punctuation required to tell the world that this event DID happen and NEVER EVER needs to be forgotten nor repeted. Episode Nine is my most favourite of the series because of the hard hit it delivers.πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

  3. "OMG is that a softcore sex scene that lasts all of 10 seconds?!?!?!?! Think of the children…..anyway remember when Toye and Gonnoreah got their legs blown off? Of when we saw a literal death camp? Isn't this a great show kids?"

  4. Gen Xer here, I hope my generation paid attention to history, we certainly had the opportunity to learn it. I did, and still am, there's quite a bit to it. I really appreciate the fine work Mr. Bando has done in his contribution to keeping the true version straight. And you, sir, have done your fair share of fine work and excellent research. Much has been learned and the truth kept alive. Thanks again, W&T. Take care.

  5. As mush as it's disrespectful to the men of the 101st,506 , company this is a DOCUDRAMA . But still they should get the facts correct about the men when it's so easy to check 99% of the time . Thanks

  6. Concerning the brisk sex scene, Dick Winters told Hanks that due to that he would not be able to sit down and watch the entire series with his grand daughter-I'm getting this from a book written by Winters, so he asked Hanks to take it out. Hanks refused and so Winters told him that if he did not, he would shun Hanks. Winters then wrote that watched it when it came out and the scene was still in it. And after that he never talked to Hanks again. Hanks has played some pretty good characters in his acting career, but as for the man away from a movie, I have come to not like the public and private person at all.

  7. I very much admire Mr. Bando's scholarship and documentation. It was so thoughtless and unethical for Ambrose and HBO to ignore it. It is painful to know how much damage was done to the reputations of some of these men. As for the sex episode, Maj. Winters is on record in several interviews (found on YouTube) voicing his displeasure over that. He was not alone.
    Your point as to the desensitization to violence re: video games, movies, etc. has been well documented in (youth and adult) abnormal psychology.

  8. I agree, the Gen Z demographic doesn't understand/research history. I don't know if it's curriculum or they just don't care. This goes from WWII to the Cold War to current conflicts. It's would behoove them to do so, else history repeats itself. We are witnessing this now. Great video I appreciate your effort! Keep it up!

  9. I was 35 when BoB first aired.
    Two days later the WTC and Pentagon were attacked and thousands killed.
    I'm Generation X, and I could tell the difference between theatrical violence and the horror and carnage of war.

  10. In the book, Ambrose specifically addressed looting by referring to an army as "A huge roaming band of thieves" or something to that effect.

  11. If someone gets upset by a mild interlude between a man and a woman, they have no business watching a war show with graphic violence.

  12. Excellent, fair and even-handed appraisal of the 2 episodes.
    Very well done, indeed.
    Thank you once again.

  13. You got a Cool voice, speaking style, Dude. Wish I knew what you looked like, because I like to attach a voice to a face…I wish I could speak like you do…Maybe Toast Masters could help me.

  14. As a Combat Infantryman that has see men killed and have killed in combat, I have seen and experienced the emotions with having taken an others life. For a very long time after I left the army I always would tell anyone that asked if I ever killed someone "I fired 32 m203 40mm gernade rounds in the battle of El Kief (Objective Jenkins), and that at one point in the battle my Platoon Sgt had me pick 5 builds and put a round in each one. The first one exploded 35 meters away from me I thought it was a bad round (the round armed and then hit the power/phone lines), the second round I fired never went off (after the battle I noticed I was missing my red smoke gernade and that was my 2nd round), I fired the third through fifth round all in to the same building and the building front colasped. Before that I fired 27 HE (high explosive) rounds when we were getting shot at. So I dont know if I killed anyone but I know they stopped shooting at us".
    The one I dont talk about much is the guy I killed with my Mossberg 500 with double odd buck.
    The 3rd Infantry Division unit was the 7th Infantry Regiment "Cottonbalers" it was to be precise the 1st and 3rd Battalions that were first to buertchgarden , I served with both 2nd Battalion (peace time) and 3rd Battalion (combat in iraq 2003).

  15. As to Gen Z or X or whatever it is they call young people,
    I've never seen anyone that wasn't shocked when they seen a dead person for the first few times. I was completely not ready.

  16. 6:12 An additional point… The uniforms of those French soldiers are completely wrong. One of them has a British No.4 Enfield rifle, which is accurate, but their uniforms resemble early-war 1939/1940 French uniforms. At this stage, 1945, those French troops should be wearing a combination of American and British uniforms/gear.

  17. Another excellent and well researched episode. One minor edit…the original Ghost Division was the 7th Panzer, made famous by Rommel in 1940 during the invasion of France.

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