Monster Hunter Wilds is an action-RPG that lets players freely explore a living world and experience best-in-class combat as they take down fearsome monsters alongside friends.
Monster Hunter Wilds comes to PlayStation®5 in 2025.
#MHWilds #MonsterHunter #ps5 #ps5games
Is that natzu!!!
This actually looks quite stunning. I'm suprised honestly at how much this franchise keeps improving
ermm… wgat the woke! this is so woke guys what the liberal gen z
It looks like monster hunter 2
Please be open world, please be open world, please be open world
Here the dual blades main ✋
Who's playing this
skipping every cutscene
Wish I have enough money so I can have my ps5 and play this game
I would only play if they bring back the old monsters.
Final Monster Creed Rising 🙌
So the new monsters are the armadillo,frog and a giant dog face bear thing
Hammer goes bonk
But The Question We All Want Answered: Is Qurupeco In Monster Hunter Wilds?
This how Street Fighter is but not this kind its made wrong there are errors shimmming
Someone made up something thst its right my Street fighter stuff is telling this
Why is everyone excited for rng trash?
Why do these games always look like they belong on PSP?
I hope they don't give me Dango as my main food source anymore.
Being able to switch weapons while you're hunting?! Those madmen!
Me encantó
Yu giiiiiii 02:25
Ayo weapon swap is amazing