Supernatural – Official Gameplay Reveal Trailer

Get your first look at gameplay from Supernatural, an upcoming first-person horror shooter that also incorporates the use of your PC microphone. And by that we mean: you’ll be talking to a supernatural entity. Puzzles and multiple endings await if you can stay quiet enough to survive. Learn more and wishlist Supernatural on Steam:


  1. thought tat the situation will change according the volume of shouting voice
    who know its just voice detecting game…

  2. If you haven’t realized, this isn’t about the show that ended nearly six years ago. It’s a stand alone game sharing the title “Supernatural” realistically speaking, a game based upon a show that ended five and a half years ago wouldn’t make sense at such a far point in time…although a game based upon its lore does seems fitting and far past overdue. It would never happen, I’d see a full re-boot of the show or it’s spin off coming back before we got a game. A new season making an appearance would be certain before getting a game

  3. People in the comments be forgetting that if it was supernatural itd be open world not linear

  4. Is this some sort of AI thing? Hopefully this doesn’t make it into other types of games where it doesn’t belong.

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