This Retro Gaming Console Is So Cool! 🤯

Take a look at the Wireless gaming Console I got from Amazon and I can play games like GTA and Assassins Creed on this!
It’s super compact and lightweight with a 3.5” bright and sharp IPS Display. It has all these buttons and 2 joysticks in the front plus these 4 shoulder buttons in the back. There are 15000 games pre installed in this and you can choose, like Nintendo Gameboy, Super Nintendo, Playstation, gameboy advance, or even Sony PSP!
You can just choose Assassins Creed Bloodlines from the PSP games, and it is so much fun to play a game like Assassin’s Creed on a handheld device!
Plus there’s a headphone jack and type C charging.

You can buy this from

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  1. Wireless gaming console. Yeah and while I'm playing it I'll have a boneless pizza.

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