Top 25 Amazing Upcoming PS5 Games of 2024 & 2025 | Gameplay (4K 60FPS)

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  1. God.. Rockstar is definitely going to do justice to Miami/Florida in general. I live here.. I know how crazy it gets.

  2. I hope Konami doesn't forget about Metal Gear Solid or updates them and make 'em playable on the PS5.. ๐Ÿ™

  3. Black fatigue is at an all time high lmfao GTA better have trans characters or it's anti-semitic!

  4. Why are only violent games developed?
    What is wrong with our society, are there no other cool genres?

  5. So far buying a PS5 was a waste of money. No good games out but they are releasing a Pro version this year and already rumors of a PS6 smh.

  6. Assassin's creed went full woke!! Not even a choice for a male or female character now. Its a female or a diversity male that wouldn't be there in that era. Its like all the games that crash and burn now.

  7. So.. any upcoming games WITHOUT "strong and independent" female protagonist and "colored diversity"?
    I guess not.
    Oh well, back to ps2/ps3 era once again ๐Ÿ˜Š

  8. What's with all open world running around with sords horse shit.
    Far out make a days gone 2, dino crisis 1 and 2 remake, maybe do a really good syphon filter, how about make another doom game, all the games that are coming out atm are shit.
    Make another last of us and have it be about how joel and tommy met tess and became separated or something.

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