Turnip28: The Shattered Lance | Launch Trailer

The Shattered Lance is the FIRST major Expansion for Turnip28 (the squelchy wargame) since the appalling success of the Forlorn Hope.

The Shattered Lance: designed by artist, Max FitzGerald, offers an absolute horde of NEW Digital and Physical 28mm, multi-pose, miniatures, rules and stories from the world of Turnip28.

Gather your troops. Fix bayonets. Devote yourself to the roots.


  1. Without Alfabusa, I would have never discovered this game.
    Now, I just need to con(vince) some of my miserable acquaintances into getting plastic bits and play with me

  2. This would be a great way to introduce new people into the “Turnip28” world!!

    And all its other entities 😊❤️

  3. Literally just got into turnip 28 a couple days ago mainly due to alfabusa's narrative battle report (have watched it like 4 times lol) then youtube recommends me this. Cant wait to see this kickstarter.

  4. They got Alfubusa to do the trailer! LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    (Also, that dragon looks freaking sick!)

  5. And I was just thinking what cult will I use that toy dragon on my shelf for.

    Time to convert!
    Time to defend the vilest of rotten dukedoms of cist!

  6. I assume, someone tried to smoke a turnip to get the inspiration for this work of art. Absolutely glorious.

  7. Me watching: This is cool. Hears "and a massive dragon". Whelp, I'm in.

  8. Strange little kreatur: Ooooh-oh-ho my lord I am pissing and shitting oooooh

    I finally get to see myself represented in media, thank you.

  9. And yet again only f ing Kickststarter…. why don't they accept another payment method ffs?!

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